My Letters & Documents
What do you need help with?

Only letters and text messages that SA Housing Trust has sent to you will display here. You won't see any attachments SA Housing Trust originally included with our letters.

Contact SA Housing Trust on 131 299 for help finding the letter you're looking for.

Check you're searching from the correct date format, for example: 01-JAN-2000.

The page numbers (1-20, 21-40 etc) at the bottom of the list will allow you to see more letters.

The 'Viewed Online' indicator will display N if you haven't viewed the letter in Housing Connect.

Your keyword needs to match all or part of the name to return search results.

Highlight the 'search data' you don't want and select backspace or delete on your keyboard, then select 'Search' to clear previous search results.

Yes. You should only upload documents we have asked you to provide e.g. proof of income.

SA Housing Trust keep documents for as long as we are required to under the State Record Act 1997.

Depending on your internet browser, the letter or document may automatically in a new window, or download onto your device.
If it's downloaded, you need to manually open it.